
Rights and obligations of users


  • To have appropriate spaces and means available for the consultation and study of the bibliographic and documental collections and for the use of other services offered by the library.
  • To receive information and advice on how to locate, access and use the information resources and services
  • To receive basic training for the correct usage of the various library services.
  • To receive cordial, correct and efficient attention.
  • To use and consult the information resources managed by the CSIC Libraries and Archives Network, as well as utilise all its services subject to the conditions established by the applicable regulation.
  • To make complaints and suggestions related to the operation of the CSIC Libraries and Archives Network and receive a response.
  •  All the rights included under article 6 of the "Ley 11/2007 de acceso electrónico de los ciudadanos a los Servicios Públicos".


  • To make appropriate use of the spaces and services of the library, respecting the facilities, equipment and the collection, and following always the indications of the library personnel and the regulations which apply to the various services of the library.
  • To use the entrance lockers to place all personal objects, except for writing material and laptops needed for work.
  • To respect the restrictions established by the licenses applying to the resources available at the Biblioteca Virtual (Virtual Library).
  • To comply with the applicable Intellectual property laws regarding copying documents for research purposes.
  • To avoid any activity which might disturb the reading, consultation or study of other users:
  • - Keep silent in the reading rooms.

    - Mobile phones must be in silent mode.

    - No food or drinks in the library premises are allowed.

Contact and Social Network

Library location

Biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales del CSIC
C/ Albasanz 26-28
Madrid 28037

Telephone: 91 602 27 75

Metro: Ciudad Lineal (L5), Suances (L5)
Bus (EMT): 77, 104, 105

CCHS emergency leaflet

Opening times (July to September)

Monday to friday 9:00 AM to 14:30 PM.
The library will be closed the following days:
1 and 6 of January
17 and 18 of April
1, 2 and 15 of May
25 of July
15 of August
10 of November
8, 24, 25 and 31 of December