
About us

The Tomás Navarro Tomás Library is a research library specialized in Human and Social Sciences whose main objective is to offer quality services to support the development of research in these areas. In order to achieve this objective, it offers a wide collection, innovative 21st century services and very little intermediary management which allows the user a direct and self managed relationship with the library collection. In addition, within the library, the archive of the Centre for Human and Social Sciences looks after the archive materials and collections from the CSIC institutes and centres which today form part of the Centre for Human and Social Sciences. It is made up of 7,000 preserved units. The archive has texts, audio and iconographic items. It brings together the history of the institution from its beginnings, with the creation of the Board for Advanced Studies and Scientific Research (JAE) in 1907 up to the present day.
Consult project for the creation of the library.

The Tomás Navarro Tomás Library was listed as a Heritage Asset (Bien de Interés Cultural, BIC) in 2015. Access to the application of the Tomás Navarro Tomás Libarary (CCHS-CSIC) for being listed as a BIC.


Who can be a user?

All scientists and researchers of public or private institutions, PhD holders as well as graduates and final year university students who can demonstrate their eligibility following the indications of the current regulations can be users of the library.

Additionally, those not included in the previously mentioned groups who may need to consult the library collection may be users. For these cases, applications will be evaluated individually.

How to use the Tomás Navarro Tomás Library

You may apply by completing the application form available on the webpage, or in person at the library reception desk. The information requested by the different types of users may be sent by using the web form, by e-mail to the library (cchs_prestamo.tnt@cchs.csic.es) or at the reception desk.

Documents needed to apply for a library card:

  • Scientific community, teachers, PhD holders and PhD students: supporting document of their status and ID card or passport.
  • Graduates: degree certificate and ID card or passport.
  • University students: current registration form in the university and ID card or passport.
  • Scholars with no university degree: ID card or passport and a statement of why the library collection needs to be consulted.

Library card expiring date

The library card is valid for one year and can be renewed annually by application in person.

Rights and obligations of users

Library card application for non CSIC users

Request for a written document of attendance

In case you need a written document proving your attendance at the library, you must complete the following form.

Staff directory

Tomás Navarro Tomás Library. Centre for Human and Social Sciences (CCHS - CSIC) >

Arce Sáinz, Fernando (916022556)

Brea Herrera, José Luis (91 602 26 35)

Calle Díaz, Esther (91 602 28 02)
Unidad de tecnología

Checa Gómez, Esther (91 602 23 87)
Gestión de Servicios e Información

Fernandez Gómez, Sylvia (91 602 25 27)
Gestión de Servicios e Información cchs_servicios.tnt@cchs.csic.es

García del Amo, Sonia (91 602 27 18)

Gimeno Riveiro, Paloma Erika (91 602 27 02)

Ibáñez González, Raquel (91 602 26 21)

Jiménez Hidalgo, Sonia (91 602 26 24)
Videdirección. Responsable del Departamento de Tecnología cchs_tecnologia.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Jiménez Martín, Alejandro (91 602 26 23)
Responsable del Departamento de Gestión de la colección

Lence Pérez, Gloria (91 602 25 82)
Responsable del Departamento de Gestión Servicios e Información cchs_servicios.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Martín Pastor, Belén (91 602 27 45)
Gestión de Servicios e Información. -Servicio de préstamo interbibliotecario y acceso al documento. cchs_pi.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Martínez Olmo, Pilar (91 602 26 49)

Moragón Fernández, José Pablo (91 602 2555 / 91 602 26 99)
Gestión de servicios e información. Servicio de Lectura en Sala.

Muñoz Fernández, Jesús (91 602 24 14)

Pacheco Ramírez, Pilar (91 602 23 92)
Gestión de Servicios e Información

Pastor González, Fernando (91 602 26 99 / 27 17)
Gestión de Servicios e Información - Servicio de préstamo prestamo.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Romero Arquero, Vanesa (91 602 24 49)
Proceso Técnico

Rubio Antón, José Luis (91 602 25 94 )
Proceso Técnico. Responsable cchs_proceso.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Ruíz Quero, Rebeca (91 602 24 18)
Gestión de Servicios e Información

Sánchez Constenla, Félix (91 602 26 33)
Proceso Técnico

Sanz Frías, Mª Ángeles (91 602 25 95)
Gestión de Servicios e Información cchs_servicios.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Varas Álvarez, Eva (91 602 25 75)
Gestión de Servicios e Información

Villalón Herrera, Rosa Mª (91 602 27 26)
Responsable del departamento de Archivo
Direccion-e del departamento cchs_archivo.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Martínez Olmo, Pilar (91 602 26 49)

Deputy director
Archive department

Arce Sáinz, Fernando (916022556)
Villalón Herrera, Rosa Mª (91 602 27 26). Archive

Ibáñez González, Raquel (91 602 26 21)

Muñoz Fernández, Jesús (91 602 24 14)

Collection management department

Departamental email:

Jiménez Martín, Alejandro (91 602 26 23). Collection management department

Collection management department Acquisitions
Departamental email: cchs_adquisiciones.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Brea Herrera, José Luis (91 602 26 35)

García del Amo, Sonia (91 602 27 18)

Gimeno Riveiro, Paloma Erika (91 602 27 02)

Collection management department. Technical processes team

Departamental email: cchs_proceso.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Rubio Antón, José Luis (91 602 25 94 ). Collection management department. Responsible

Romero Arquero, Vanesa (91 602 24 49)

Sánchez Constenla, Félix (91 602 26 33)

Collection management department. Facilities and inventory management

Services management and information department

Departamental email: cchs_servicios.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Lence Pérez, Gloria (91 602 25 82). Services management and information officer. Reserarch advice (Scientific evaluation)

Checa Gómez, Esther (91 602 23 87)

Fernandez Gómez, Sylvia (91 602 25 27). Gestión de Servicios e Información
Email service: cchs_servicios.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Martín Pastor, Belén (91 602 27 45). Inter library loan (mornings)
Email service: cchs_pi.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Moragón Fernández, José Pablo (91 602 2555 / 91 602 26 99). REsearch advice (Scientific evaluation)

Pacheco Ramírez, Pilar (91 602 23 92)

Pastor González, Fernando (91 602 26 99 / 27 17). Reading rooms officer
Email service: prestamo.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Ruíz Quero, Rebeca (91 602 24 18).

Sanz Frías, Mª Ángeles (91 602 25 95).
Email service: cchs_servicios.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Varas Álvarez, Eva (91 602 25 75).

Techonology unit

Departamental email: cchs_tecnologia.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Jiménez Hidalgo, Sonia (91 602 26 24). Deputy director.Technology Unit officer

Calle Díaz, Esther (91 602 28 02). Technology unit

Calle Díaz, Esther (91 602 28 02)

Library telephone: 91 602 27 75

Library fax: 91 602 29 71

Library email: cchs_biblioteca.tnt@cchs.csic.es


Acquisitions (91 602 25 58) cchs_adquisiciones.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Virtual Library (91 602 26 99) cchs_servicios.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Information and reference (91 602 26 99) cchs_servicios.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Periodicals room (91 602 27 45)

Loan (91 602 26 99) prestamo.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Inter-library loan (91 602 27 45) cchs_pi.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Technical collection (91 602 25 71) cchs_proceso.tnt@cchs.csic.es

SAD (91 602 26 03) cchs_servicios.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Techonology (91 602 26 24) cchs_tecnologia.tnt@cchs.csic.es

Contact and Social Network

Library location

Biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales del CSIC
C/ Albasanz 26-28
Madrid 28037

Telephone: 91 602 27 75

Metro: Ciudad Lineal (L5), Suances (L5)
Bus (EMT): 77, 104, 105

CCHS emergency leaflet

Opening times (July to September)

Monday to friday 9:00 AM to 14:30 PM.
The library will be closed the following days:
1 and 6 of January
17 and 18 of April
1, 2 and 15 of May
25 of July
15 of August
10 of November
8, 24, 25 and 31 of December